So why, if everyone is telling us that the oil price is going up, are rental taxes, sorry fees, being applied? Don’t get me wrong, fiscal reform is necessary, but if oil is going back up, let us give the common man a breather. Here’s an idea – let’s start with taxing everyone who has a monopoly agency. You know, the rich.
Speaking of announcements, I would like to introduce a new statistic, similar in importance to GDP, CPI (inflation), the unemployment rate, etc. I call this statistic the Reality Based Ratio. It is the ratio of the number of projects announced to the number of projects completed. Of course this needs to be adjusted for size of project and time needed to complete, but you get the idea. The higher the ratio, the lower the reality basis of the economy. People need to stop applauding projects announced and start applauding projects completed. Well, they don’t need to, they just should if they want any sort of economy in the future.