Business is challenging. Being successful at business is extremely challenging. It takes a tremendous amount of time and energy to acquire new clients, retain existing clients, manage your team, manage your portfolio of projects and deliver the high-quality products and services that you need to remain competitive in the market.
Do you want an idea of how busy you are while running your existing business? How many unread emails do you have? Hundreds? Over a thousand? How old is the oldest email?
What about meetings? Excluding time reading and composing emails, what percentage of your day is taken up by meetings regarding existing business, for example, with clients or employees about existing products and services on offer? If you include travel time I have never even seen this percentage below 50 per cent and it is usually much higher, around the 75 per cent mark.
Now let’s get to the crux of this article. What percentage of the time do you spend learning, thinking or developing new business lines? What percentage of your resources are dedicated to evolving the business? I am talking about actual time and energy spent here, not wishful thinking. Is it 0 per cent? 1 per cent?